Weight Loss Partner – A Fun Way to Go from Fat to Thin

Have problems sticking to a weight loss routine? Tempted to give up before you get going? Tired of seeing people around you happily enjoying fatty foods sans guilt? Read on to learn how finding the right companion can make all the difference…

4 Effective Ways to Avoid Weight Gain During The Holidays

The next few months are, without doubt, the best time of the year. Parties, family get-togethers, dinners, gifts and what not! We want to look our best the whole time and afterwards. The one thing that is always lingering on our minds though, is the inevitable weight gain. So why don’t we prepare ourselves for […]

Cravings – Your biggest motivator

Everyone has always told you ‘Cravings are your worst enemy. You should learn to control your cravings, if you ever intend getting in shape’. I beg to differ…