Suppressing Hunger: A Healthy Way to Lose Weight?

All the weight loss pills and supplements available in the market are designed to suppress hunger and give you a false feeling of fullness. There are products that claim to send signal to your brain that your stomach is full even though it actually isn’t. Does this work or is it just another advertising gimmick? […]

Counting Calories? Here’s What You Need to Know

I have observed that a lot of people think simply counting calories is a sure shot way to lose weight. What was even more shocking was that, the composition didn’t matter to them at all! Read on to find out why counting calories is more than just a simple number game….

4 Effective Ways to Avoid Weight Gain During The Holidays

The next few months are, without doubt, the best time of the year. Parties, family get-togethers, dinners, gifts and what not! We want to look our best the whole time and afterwards. The one thing that is always lingering on our minds though, is the inevitable weight gain. So why don’t we prepare ourselves for […]

Diet food – Weighing the Pros and Cons

Starting from low fat, low cal stuff all the way to fat free, calorie free stuff, you get every possible variety of processed food these days – not to mention the ubiquitous diet soda! And we, as normal people, are caught up between the health activists, who are dead against anything chemically processed and the […]