We have already talked about heels. Now it’s time to analyze flats. This again garners 2 extreme reactions from women. Let’s see why it’s essential to own flats in your shoe collection.
Why Loathe
– I don’t feel sexy in flats.
– I can’t stand tall in flats. My posture is very sloppy.
– I am so short, I can never pull off flats.
– I am so used to heels, my feet hurt when I wear flats.
Why Love
– I don’t know how to walk in heels. What options do I have?
– I am very tall, so can’t wear heels.
– Flats means there is no question of my feet hurting at all.
– I have a very long daily commute and flats are the most comfortable.
My Take
Flats are a must for every woman. Whether for convenience or to give your tired feet a break, you should wear flats once in a while. And for those of you who have a long commute, flats are the best.
Having said that, I say you should love flats for the right reasons. It can’t be something you resort to coz you can’t walk in heels. As a woman, you need to get comfortable wearing heels for a lot of good reasons. So even if you are tall, heels lend you a great posture and give you a reason to feel proud of your height, not ashamed of it.
But, at the same time, too much of heels is bad for the back and hurt your feet. Your tired feet will thank you for a break every once in a while. So activities like traveling (to work or party) should be done in flats. You can always switch to heels when you reach the venue.
Who says flats aren’t sexy? There are unbelievable choices in flats. Flats don’t mean just flip flops or sneakers. You get the really sexy leopard print or croc leather flats. There is the gladiator or t-strap types that look out of the world with cute short dresses. Metallic flats are amazing with dark wash jeans. So there is no dearth of choices. You just need to try them.
So create a balanced mix of heels and flats feel great while protecting your feet.
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