Love or Loathe – Jackets

Jackets are something women have strong preferences for. You either love it or hate it. There is no in-between. And the justification given by both groups seems reasonable. Read on to learn how you can love jackets for the right reasons…

Why Loathe:

– I feel too stiff – cannot move around freely

– Adding another layer can only make me look bulky

– There are so many styles – but nothing really seems flattering on me

– They are very expensive.

Why Love:

– Great for layering

– Keeps me warm

– Hides all the extra flesh around my mid-section

– Gives structure to my outfit

My Take:

Jackets are great provided, you wear the right length, fabric and cut.

Here are a few suggestions for different body types:

Big busted:

Get a jacket that has at least 3 buttons and the top button closes over your chest. The sleeves should be plain and simple (no puffs) else it is going to make you look broad or big on top

Big hips or thighs:

Get a jacket that hits you just above the crotch area. This way you are not covering your hips or upper thigh (the broadest part of your body with your jacket). This will give you a longer leg line which is slimming. Also, make sure the cut is such that the jacket curves around the narrowest part of your waist when buttoned up. But keep it unbuttoned so it gives structure and also balance out the bottom half.

Huge upper arms:

Get 3/4th sleeve or full sleeve jacket only. Anything else is going to emphasize your arms. The jacket should have a straight cut or should float away from your body (trapeze jacket). This will take the focus away from your arms.

General Tips:

When you are just starting out, stick to the jackets that have a good cut for your body type and are made of natural fabrics like cotton, linen and wool. It will retain the form yet not feel stiff. If you think jackets are too expensive, just buy a couple of classic ones in neutrals that you can mix and match with several outfits. Leather looks very sexy but I won’t recommend it for jacket-loathers right away. Once you start feeling comfortable around wearing jacket, you can move on to leather.

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  1. I have been a jacket loather all my life…. always felt I looked better without one. But after reading the tips you have provided I am willing to give it a shot. Who knows, I might actually find one I really like πŸ™‚

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